Solo show at Galerie Metro, Berlin | June 1 – July 20, 2012
Press release (Deutsch/English)
Review about the exhibition at Berlin Art Link
The exhibition was conceived as an abstract boulevard, assembling different urban objects and fragments of sceneries in a random, almost incoherent way – wrapped buildings under (re)construction, details of murals and advertisements, surreal documents of former visionary imagination. Strolling through this Avenida del Progreso – progress as promise AND buzzword lurking in all of the works – the beholder was straying as well through the different stages of progress in my work, departing from little sketches and experimental leftovers via photographs of (analog) altered photographs to three-dimensional image sculptures. The materiality of the depicted covered buildings was reflected in the material I used to produce this works: ordinary paper, treated and modeled in a way that it appears like a textile, a drapery.