

2010 Master class degree Visual Art (Meisterschülerabschluss), HGB – Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
2007 Diploma degree Photography, HGB – Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
2000 Magister degree (M.A.) German Language & Literature Studies and History, University of Leipzig

2003-2006 Several collaborative projects and workshops as IMPEXunlimited
1996-1999 Writer and co-editor of POST.RUIN, a literature magazine and reading series in Leipzig

Study and work stays in Seoul, New York, Mexico City, Barcelona, Bilbao, Paris, Amsterdam et al.

Grants | Prizes

2017 Neukölln Art Award, First Prize
2016 Artist working grant, awarded by the Senate of Berlin
2015 Global travel grant for Korea, awarded by the Senate of Berlin
2013 Shortlist 11th Art Prize Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin
2013 Shortlist 1st Berlin Art Prize
2012 Artist working grant, awarded by the Cultural Foundation of Saxony
2008 New York studio grant, awarded by the Cultural Foundation of Saxony
2009-2010 Master class scholarship, awarded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation

2006 Project grant, awarded by the Media Foundation Leipzig
2002-2007 Study scholarship, awarded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation


2015 3 months artist residency at Seoul Art Space Geumcheon
2008 6 months artist residency at ISCP New York
2004 3 months artist residency at Hangar Barcelona

Solo and duo exhibitions

2017 Unique No. 5, Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (Duo with Stefanie Pluta)
2016 Terminal Stage, Hectoliter, Brussels
2015 There is tiresome, but attractive, Uqbar, Berlin
2015 The Broken Telephone, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna (Duo with Karin Fisslthaler)
2014 #Visual Noise, Lage Egal, Berlin (Duo with Ornella Fieres)
2013 Fugacity, Kunstraum Michael Barthel, Leipzig (Duo with Jan Mammey)
2012 Avenida del progreso, Galerie Metro, Berlin
2011 I strongly believe in weakness, Galerie Metro, Berlin
2010 Degrees of separation, Galerie Metro, Berlin
2007 The hallucinated city, Red Stripe Gallery, Leipzig (Graduation show)
2006 Suspicious setting, Architektur Galerie Berlin (Solo as IMPEXunlimited)

Group exhibitions (selection)

Fleisch und Stein, whiteBOX, Munich
Silent Empire, Funkhaus Nalepastraße, Berlin
Hours and hours of inactivity, n.b.k., Berlin
Neuköllner Produktion, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin + Galerie im Künstlerhaus, Leonberg

No natural disaster, HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts, Berlin
SCOPE – more to come, several exhibition venues, Hannover
Photobookshow Kyiv, Ya Gallery, Kiev
Sometimes you see your city differently, Feinberg Projects, Tel Aviv
Über die Unmöglichkeit des Seins, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

Unframed, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna
Paper Manifestoes, Bejing Design Week, The Factory Dashilar, Bejing
Accadrà Domani
(An ongoing archive of artists’ books selected by Gregorio Magnani), Museo Marino Marini, Florence
Under Surveillance, Galerie für Fotografie Ricus Aschemann, Hannover
When thoughts are replaced by moving images, deuxpiece/Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Art Brussels (with Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna)
Saloon Group Show, Galerie Sexauer, Berlin
About dimensional images and pictographical objects, Bethanien, Berlin

Chronicle. Narrative, History and Subjectivity, Fabra i Coats Center of Contemporary Art, Barcelona
F Photobookshow, 72nd Gallery, Tokyo Institute of Photography, Tokyo
Unframed, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna
Art International Istanbul (with Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna)

sub|kutan, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin
On-Looking, Kunsthalle Galapagos, New York
The world is stable now, Alexander Levy Galerie, Berlin

Parcours, Scheidt’sche Hallen, Essen
Die letzte Metro, Galerie Metro, Berlin
Astray, B/B Multiples, Berlin/Beirut/Copenhagen
D Photobookshow, The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki
Volta Basel (with Galerie Metro, Berlin)

Urban noise, Bethanien, Berlin
Art Cologne – New Contemporaries (with Galerie Metro, Berlin)
A Photobookshow, Workflow Studio, Brighton

Texture, Galerie Metro, Berlin
The Black Door Files, Black Door, Istanbul
Meisterschülerausstellung, Gallery of the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig

Waking the living, Stephen Neidich Studio, Berlin
The white under the red, Galerie Metro, Berlin
Things we do, Universal Cube/Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
Exhibition, a six month art initiative located in a vacant storefront at 211 Elizabeth Street, New York

Unwille, Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Bad Moon Rising, ISCP, New York
An artist certainly cannot compete with a man on the moon in the livingroom, Universal Cube/Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
Loop Diverse, Loop 08 – International Festival & Fair for Video Art, Barcelona

Syntropia, NGBK, Berlin
Blaue Blume, Les Subsistances, Lyon

Grammaire de la ville, Goetheinstitut Lyon

Processos Oberts, Hangar Barcelona and public space in Terrassa/Spain
Osservatorio Urbano: DETOURISMO, Lungomare Gallery and public space in Bolzano/Italy (IMPEXunlimited)

Lectures | Other projects

2018 Reinkommen, Drinbleiben – und dann? Über Zugang und Erfolg im Kunstbetrieb, Lecture about access and success in(to) the art world, Südtiroler Künstlerbund, Bozen
2014 The parallax project: Allegory and significance, Lecture about my work, Acud, Berlin
2014 Telling the same story twice, Workshop about the genre of the photo novel, Fabra i Coats Center of Contemporary Art, Barcelona
2013 Site-specific installation for the movie set of Elixier by Brodie Higgs, Berlin
2013 Production and publication of In Visible Cities, a photo book in collaboration with Plan Bey Beirut and B/B Multiples Berlin
2012 Lectures about my work, Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin
2011 Paisajes Alterados, Screening of my photographs in the context of El Proyector, Fundació Foto Colectania, Barcelona
2008 Three Moons of Jupiter: A Conversation from the Post-Communist Universe, Talk with curator Simon Rees and artist Jan Serych, apexart, New York
2008 Lecture about my work, ISCP, New York
2007/08 Editor at Transmediale.08, Festival for digital and media art
2005 Meiningen, Photo-Portfolio for the programme of Theatre of Meiningen, Meiningen/Germany
2005 Detourismo II, Workshop about how to create a Guide Vague to get lost in Bolzano, Galerie Lungomare, Bolzano/Italy (IMPEXunlimited)
2003 Detourismo I, One-week-office for detourists longing to get lost in Leipzig and supply with different Guide Vagues, in the context of the theatre festival Entsicherung – eine theatrale Einmischung in den öffentlichen Raum, public space, Leipzig (IMPEXunlimited)


The Brooklyn Museum Library, New York
Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden
Private collections


A Korean Notebook, self-published, 2015
In Visible Cities, produced and published in collaboration with Plan Bey (Beirut), 2013
Those aren’t your memories, they’re somebody else’s, self-made Leporello book, 2011
Everday Encounter, self-made Leporello book, 2010
Halbstark and Sex, self-published, 2002


In Visible Cities (book review), Camera Austria 126/2014
Spectral Photography: Diana Artus and Ornella Fieres
(Blog Entry, 2014), Berlin Art Link
Interview about “In Visible Cities” (Blog Entry, 2013), Blonde Art Books
Photographic Sculptures (Blog Entry, 2013), Jules & Art – Young & Contemporary
Artist Portfolio, Stadtaspekte No. 1 (2013)
Inventur in Utopia (Blog Entry, 2013), Castor & Pollux
Avenida del progreso (Blog Entry, 2012), Berlin Art Link
Artist Portfolio, Camera Austria 115/2011
An artist certainly cannot compete with a man on the moon in the livingroom (catalog), HGB Leipzig and Universal Cube, 2008
Sogno città noi – esercizi di percezione urbana (catalog), Galerie Lungomare, 2008
Syntropia (catalog), NGBK, 2007
Le & Ly (catalog), HGB Leipzig and ENBA Lyon, 2007
Ein vager Verdacht, Jungle World Dossier 38/2006
P_O_2 Queda la marca (catalog), Barcelona, 2005